- 请求信息 : 2024-06-21 15:54:26 http/1.1 get : http://www.xianjzyxh.org/page/174/2690.html
- 运行时间 : 1.925150s [ 吞吐率:0.52req/s ] 内存消耗:4,452.33kb 文件加载:180
- 查询信息 : 28 queries
- 缓存信息 : 0 reads,0 writes
- 会话信息 : session_id=3092d7ae0681d20188932474c373b907
- connect:[ usetime:0.000288s ] mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=xianjzyxh_org;charset=utf8
- show full columns from `app_site` [ runtime:0.000552s ]
- select * from `app_site` where `id` = 1 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000289s ]
- show full columns from `app_tongji` [ runtime:0.000335s ]
- select * from `app_tongji` where `id` = 1 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000161s ]
- update `app_tongji` set `num` = 1421415 where ( id=1 ) [ runtime:0.004587s ]
- show full columns from `app_category` [ runtime:0.000457s ]
- select * from `app_category` where `id` = 174 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000270s ]
- show full columns from `app_article` [ runtime:0.000370s ]
- select * from `app_article` where `id` = 2690 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000239s ]
- update `app_article` set `click` = `click` 1 where ( id=2690 ) [ runtime:0.003808s ]
- show full columns from `app_attachment` [ runtime:0.000364s ]
- select * from `app_attachment` where ( status=1 and mid=1 and pid=2690 ) [ runtime:0.000169s ]
- select * from `app_article` where ( create_time>1718208000 and classid=174 ) order by `create_time` desc limit 1 [ runtime:0.007660s ]
- select * from `app_article` where ( create_time<1718208000 and classid=174 ) order by `create_time` desc limit 1 [ runtime:0.007117s ]
- select * from `app_category` where ( id=158 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000259s ]
- select * from `app_site` where `id` = 1 limit 1 [ runtime:0.000193s ]
- show full columns from `app_information` [ runtime:0.000366s ]
- select * from `app_information` where ( typeid=2690 ) [ runtime:0.000181s ]
- select * from `app_category` where ( id in (0,158,174) ) [ runtime:0.000286s ]
- select * from `app_category` where `status` = 1 and `ismenu` = 1 and `site` = 1 order by `orders` asc,`id` asc limit 15 [ runtime:0.000584s ]
- select * from `app_category` where ( id=174 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000295s ]
- select * from `app_category` where ( id=158 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000250s ]
- select * from `app_category` where ( id=174 ) limit 1 [ runtime:0.000249s ]
- show full columns from `app_link` [ runtime:0.000418s ]
- select * from `app_link` where ( status=1 and classid=3 ) order by `orders` asc,`id` desc limit 500 [ runtime:0.000323s ]
- select * from `app_link` where ( status=1 and classid=4 ) order by `orders` asc,`id` desc limit 500 [ runtime:0.000343s ]
- select * from `app_link` where ( status=1 and classid=7 ) order by `orders` asc,`id` desc limit 500 [ runtime:0.000313s ]
- select * from `app_link` where ( status=1 and classid=8 ) order by `orders` asc,`id` desc limit 500 [ runtime:0.000408s ]